Black children and families

Could you welcome a child who needs love into your family?

Mum reading a book with two children

Many black children and those from a mixed black Caribbean or black African heritage often wait longer to find a new family.

We know how important it is for children to find a stable, loving home at the earliest opportunity for their emotional development and well-being.

Children thrive when they are adopted into families who can share and understand their cultural heritage and identity – so we are really encouraging adopters from a black or mixed heritage background to step forward.

Supporting you

At Coram we welcome all adopters who could support children from a black or mixed heritage background to grow and thrive.  Why not talk to us about the children waiting for adoption? 

We can support you with any questions and concerns that you may have about the adoption process. Our social workers are on hand to explain and support you with what might seem like a daunting process and answer those questions you may about the assessment and preparation process as well as help you communicate with your loved ones about your adoption journey.

Get in touch with our team

Did you know?

  • Over half of children (59%) waiting for permanent homes come from certain groups where it takes an average of eight months longer to be adopted. This includes children aged five or over, those with additional and/or complex needs, sibling groups, and those from African and Caribbean heritage backgrounds.*
  • 87% of adults in London believe community is important in raising a child.*

Meet Jennifer, our outreach ambassador for families of black African and Caribbean heritage

  • My role sits within the Coram Recruitment and Assessment Adoption Team.
  • Our purpose in the team is to recruit families who can meet the needs of Looked After Children who cannot live with their families and have a plan of adoption.
  • My specific role is to raise awareness of these children and recruit new families from within African and Caribbean communities by reaching out to local organisations, churches and major employers, through information events and online presence.
  • A key part of this is offering one-to-one support at the initial stages of enquiry and dispelling some of the myths around adoption. These can become barriers to people coming forward who may otherwise have the capacity to become great forever families for African and Caribbean children, who make up a significant proportion of the children waiting to be adopted.

Get in touch with Jennifer at [email protected].

Adopters' stories


Zoe adopted a 5 year old boy through a voluntary adoption agency. She talks about her experience below.


Sarah, an adoptive mother of one, always wanted a biological child but also knew she wanted to adopt one day. 


Anne is a single woman of black Caribbean descent who adopted her two daughters through Coram in 2021 and 2022. Anne says she had always wanted to adopt, and her network of family and friends are proud and supportive of her decision.

Read Anne's story


Henrietta adopted a son with her partner, and tells her story in the video below. She talks about the myths around adoption, and her positive experience of the adoption process. 

Next steps

We're here to help you get started on your adoption journey and we warmly welcome you to get in touch to find out more.

Attend an information event

Find out about the children waiting for adoption

Find out about our Adoption Support


*from the National Adoption Recruitment Steering Group 2023, You Can Adopt website