Adoptive parents peer support drop in group, Cambridgeshire, 10 September 2018

Adoptive parents peer support drop in group, Cambridgeshire, 10 September 2018

This group is self led by the adopters who attend. The adopters provide peer support to each other on an informal basis.

This group was formed last year as a hub of support and is led by the adopters who attend.

The group offers peer support to each other on an informal basis, but from time to time speakers may be asked to attend.

For any new adopters wishing to attend we can include your email contact details to the current list to put you in touch with each other, or feel free to turn up on the day if you prefer and you will be make to feel very welcome,

Date Monday 10th September 2018, 10:00 - 12:00
Location Cambridgeshire

Call Steph Foreman or Sarah James on 0300 123 1093

or email

[email protected]

[email protected]

Address Please contact us using the details above to find out further details.